Tag: D&I


It would be disingenuous not to recognize how difficult 2020 has been for so many people, but I would be remiss if I did not take the time to step back and reflect on my blessings this Thanksgiving. Before I do so, I am sending my deepest sympathy to those who have lost friends and family […]

Are You Making This Employee Selection Mistake?

Selection of new employees has morphed more than any other business practice over the past few decades. While many elements exist to this process, the most important shift revolves around the use of assessment (tests) to help determine the best candidate.  However, most organizations confuse the “best” with “the best fit.” During my tenure at McDonald’s, […]

The DDC Systematic Approach Summary

The Dave Daniels Consulting (DDC) Approach to Diversity and Inclusion implementation has been focused on broadening the Chief Executive Officer’s foundation and depth in this critical strategic area. While any CEO can benefit from this series of articles, my clear intent is to focus on small to mid-sized businesses and non-profits. Why?  Having been privileged to work […]

The DDC Systematic Approach Part 6

Diversity Councils and ERG’s Once the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) has established a Vision of Success (VOS), are aligned on corporate and Business Unit (BU) strategies, established effective measurement, and implemented the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) process for the ELT, It’s time to explore additional next steps. I have already explored Succession Planning and Mentor/Sponsor approaches […]